How to Get Your Patio Ready for a Party

There are very few things in life that are more fun than an outdoor gathering with friends and family. If you're planning to host plenty of parties in your outdoor space throughout the warmer months, here are some things you might want to do to ensure your patio is prepped and ready for any upcoming events.  

Clean and weed

One of the keys to hosting a good party is making sure that the environment in which it is held is clean and tidy. Nothing spoils an outdoor event like a filthy patio that is covered in dust, soil, moss and weeds. If you've been neglecting this area of your property for the past few months, now is the time to tackle the mess.  Begin by removing all items from the patio area, including planter pots, garden ornaments and outdoor furniture. Then, use a dry, hard-bristled brush to sweep up all of the loose dirt, leaves and other debris. Once you've done this, the next step is to use a pressure washer to hose down the patio stones or bricks; this should quickly remove any ingrained soil.

You may notice that even after a thorough hosing with the pressure washer, there are still black spots on the patio. These are most likely caused by the presence of lichen. Do not attempt to scrub the spots away with a wire brush or steel cleaning pad, as these tools are far too abrasive for stone and brickwork and will probably cause unsightly scratches and other forms of damage. Instead, use either a nylon or plastic-bristled brush, along with a diluted solution of household bleach, to get rid of the lichen.

If the weeds in between your patio stones are relatively new, you should be able to remove them manually using a weeding tool or a kitchen knife. However, if the weeds have been there for quite some time, you may need to use a systemic chemical weedkiller, which will seep into the weeds' transport system and thus kill both the above-ground leaves and the root of the plant below the patio stones. When you're finished, make sure to apply a sealant into these crevices to prevent additional weeds from popping up again in the future.

Do essential party prep

When prepping your patio for the party, think carefully about what your guests will need in order to feel comfortable.  For example, the presence of midges and mosquitoes can ruin an otherwise lovely outdoor evening party; invest in a few citronella candles to keep any biting bugs at bay. You may also want to keep a basket full of extra blankets nearby so that your guests can stay warm if the temperature starts to drop throughout the night. 

If you're hosting an event during the day, make sure to provide some sun protection in the form of standing umbrellas, a few bottles of sunscreen and perhaps a detachable awning, as patios can heat up quickly under the heat of the summer sun.  

Additionally, think carefully about the placement of your patio furniture, buffet table and beverage station. Whilst food and drink should be placed in an area where guests can easily access them, they also need to be positioned somewhere where things are unlikely to get stolen by your pet dog or cat or knocked over by a gesturing party guest.

Talk to a company such as Patioworld NSW Pty Ltd for more ideas.
